Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tom Foolery

Hello friends!
I was trying to think of some good titles for this post....Tom Foolery, Hoodwinked, Trickery, ect. This is because Brandon TOTALLY had me fooled about the gender of Baby J. He was the only person who knew after our anatomy ultrasound last Tuesday, just because if anyone else knew, we would tell everyone and there would be no point in having people over to reveal the gender.
Here is a good example of how I felt after opening that box. Seriously though, he left pictures of GIRL nursery color schemes up on our iPad. He knew I would probably think "Ha! I knew it, we are SO having a girl!" Because he and the rest of our family and friends know I may just be the most gullible person in the world. 

 So here I am thinking "Yay, I can't wait to see pink balloons!"
And then I realize, WELP, I have a baby with a weiner! Holy Shite! Hah. Anyways, I am still trying to wrap my head around this fact, but really I am starting to think of all the ways a boy may be a tad easier on me in the long run.....they are cheaper for sure, have less of an attitude (whew, I was a little girl brat child so this is a super important one!), they don't mind being dirty and playing outside, and honestly, if we have a healthy, happy child, I think my life will be complete :) I feel like Brandon is going to be SUCH a great Dad to a boy. With that being said, I will leave you with a photo montage (I don't know what this words means, just FYI) of our day last Sunday. It was absolutely wonderful celebrating with our family and friends, eating Jett's Pizza, and enjoying Baby Jack and Baby A.J. :) Next time, I promise to get more photos of Baby A.J. because she is SUCH a cutie pie. Thank you to everyone who came. Just showing up for us really shows how much you care and is honestly the best gift Brandon and I could ask for. Can't wait to celebrate again :) 
Beautiful Sister

Beautiful niece Lexie and adorable Baby Jack!

My dad hitting up Jett's pizza at 1:00 p.m. on the dot :)

Baby AJ checking out Baby Jack :)
Everyone loved holding Baby Jack and Baby AJ!
Until next posting friends, take it easy!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

SUSPENSE!!! Ready, Set, GO!

Mornin' friends! As most of you now know, we (or Brandon) know the sex of Baby J! We are having friends and family over THIS Sunday to reveal the gender to everyone! (Including me!) I can't believe I am waiting to find out, the suspense is killing me! I still think and feel girl. I am trying to pry it out of Brandon, but he's so good at keeping a poker face. So I guess let the countdown to Sunday begin!
The ultrasound went really well yesterday. My mom was able to go with us which was exciting. Baby J wasn't in the best position to see the face or even a profile of the face, but we did get a few good shots. The best pictures we got yesterday were of the spine and feet! Those feet looked really long and narrow....hmmmm, does not describe my feet at all. The pictures of the spine honestly reminded me of a dinosaur, I don't know why, maybe because I talk about reptiles all the time at work, but Baby J was looking rather animal-y yesterday to me! Another discovery we made from this ultrasound was that the nose is rather large....I kinda hope I imagined that image in my head ;) Here are the sonograms from yesterday: 

Another adventure for Brandon this past weekend was going deep sea fishing for the first time! He got to go with a bunch of guys from work that go every year. They left out from the beaches of Panama City and went about 70 miles into the gulf. They caught a BUNCH of fish! Enough for us to turn on our deep freezer for the first time :) I am super pumped because I LOVE fresh fish and am so happy to know Brandon is the one who caught what we will be eating for the next year! Not to brag on him or anything but he did catch the two largest fish. A 25 lb. King Mackerel and a 21 lb. Grouper.....not too bad for his first time!

Here is a photo of the whole group and their very large bounty of fish!
The last fish on your left is the Mackerel B caught!

Well folks, this may be the last blog post until next week! This weekend is going to be a little nuts as my park is having it's like 10th annual Barfield Halloween Bash. This includes the Old Scream Road Haunted Hayride, the Not-So-Haunted Trail, and the huge carnival with games, prizes, and food. My co-workers and I plan and put together the hayride for the Not-So-Haunted Trail. It's for younger kids, and is based on a children's book. The book basically comes to life along the trail with real live  characters, props, lights, and decorations all along the trail. All the while you and your family get to enjoy a hayride as well :) Do I sound like an advertisement?! For $3.00/person it is probably one of the cheapest Halloween events you can attend, not to mention the quality of the event. So if you have little ones, bring them out to Barfield Friday or Saturday night from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
If you decide to come, look for the owl on the Not-So-Haunted Trail ;)

Thanks for reading friends! 


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Refresher....Catch Up....Summary....Synopsis!

I have decided to begin blogging again! (Not that I really started blogging in the first place!) 
But I figured now is as good of a time as any to begin updating our family and friends on our past year and what we have in store for our future!

The first big news that everyone knows by now but I must mention is that we are having a baby! 
Baby J at 13 weeks during our first u/s
Baby J is due March 17th, 2013 making me 18 weeks....19 tomorrow! Sometimes I am still in shock and honestly can't believe I am having a baby. I know my life is about to change big time. For those that know me well, they know I am not really a baby person. I never really have been. I LOVE kids and playing with them, but as far as babies go, I had just never really spent anytime around them. I grew up with a group of really close girlfriends who ALL babysat, but it was just not something I ever did. Nor did I ever have any younger siblings, plus if you know my parents, you know they aren't baby people either....But all that is about to change and wouldn't you know it, I am starting to become a baby person! I have been so lucky because two very close friends have had babies in the past 5 months and I am one proud Auntie! 

Alyssa Jayden Smith, healthy baby born in mid-June.

Jack Gladstone Barrett, born August 24th at 28 weeks!     
I am so happy and proud of my two friends, Junko and Hallie. These are some of the strongest women I know and have truly been an inspiration to me as I continue on with my own pregnancy and delivery.