Sunday, August 23, 2015

Pregnancy is Fishy

Hello! I was trying to be "clever" as I thought of a blog post title. I wanted to post some pictures from our fish fry and also chat a bit about my pregnancy..... I do entertain myself too easily at times...

Moving on! We had a fabulous summer shindig and really enjoyed getting to spend some time with our family and friends (though not long enough, that's for sure!) It was a very laid back party, and even Brandon was in bed by 10:30!! (What?!) The fish turned out to be SO delicious. He used a couple of different batters that were all very tasty. He specifically grilled some Red Snapper for his favorite person ever. With the leftovers, I made myself a yummy wrap with avocado, zucchini, tomatoes, honey mustard, and of course, the fish and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Brandon took the leftovers to work the night after the party and he said his guys were very happy! He also fried some hush puppies and red potatoes that were great as well. So as you can tell, I was a little more obsessed with the food this year since I had to abstain from adult beverages ;) Also, our fancy friend Colleen asked my mom if she could bring anything and my mom suggested a dessert. She then shows up with like 4 boxes of goodies from this local bakery here called Julia's! You can imagine my excitement. It was all SO freaking good and I enjoyed every single bite of the fabulous baked treats....

Check out some of the pictures that were taken at the fish fry
My favorite people!

Thanks for bringing the delicious desserts Colleen!


Sweet SIL and niece Kait

Grill master and his helpers

Liesel playing with the chirrens


So I haven't had as much time this pregnancy to record my progress, but so far it's been quite the experience! I will often tell people how different this pregnancy is then when I was preggars with Tate. First off, I had actual morning sickness the first trimester. It was not pleasant. Secondly, I've had charlie horses and I never had those with Tate. They hurt like hades. Thirdly, I've had heartburn off and on since the second trimester. It's a drag. And finally, I feel baby Miller move SO much more then I felt Tate move. I've read that can happen in second and third pregnancies. It's so crazy though. It feels like a little minion is goofing around in my belly......ha! Also, the hormonal imbalances seem to be a bit more apparent this pregnancy.....not sure what all this means but I have a slight feeling baby Miller and Tate Tate are going to be quite different people! That's okay, my hope is that they will get along well then! Only 10ish more weeks to go, then I guess we will find out!

Thanks for reading friends! Love to all!

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