Sunday, September 1, 2013

5 Months!

HOLY COW! Every month I totally intend it do these posts around the 16th, when Tate is actually turning however many months. This month it obviously did not work out that way. In fact, it was my baby app that reminded me on the 16th that he was 5 months old in the first place. I was at work and immediately thought I was a bad mama because I forgot. What made me feel a tad bit better is that Brandon didn't remember either, or my mom....haha. Soooo, either way I made up for it by spending every single minute of my time with Tate on whatever day I had off work that week. I ignored the dirty house (which is hard for me to do) and the only place we went was the grocery store. I even carried him in an Ergo carrier that someone is lending me while we grocery shopped. It was a great day and although I know Tate could care less if I remember it's his "x month" birthday, I still want to be able to wake up and think about him first, rather than work or bills or upcoming commitments. I've always loved staying super busy but I am starting to realize that I can't do everything all at once, and be a good mama at the same time. It's definitely an adjustment and a slow one at that. I am technically working 3 part-time jobs, and Brandon works an average of 60 hours a week. SO, we are slowing learning to adjust our schedules and our mindset to becoming good parents. I can't complain because we both have jobs we love so we'll just keep on truckin' until we find the right balance :) ANYways, Tate man is the best baby EVER and I love him sooooo much! The rest of this post will be photos :) 

He LOVES this swing!

He also love his Grandma. She's the best babysitter ever :)

We are home like every other weekend now :)
We had such a good time celebrating Jack's 1st Birthday!

Until next month friends! Take it easy! 

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