Saturday, October 20, 2012

Refresher....Catch Up....Summary....Synopsis!

I have decided to begin blogging again! (Not that I really started blogging in the first place!) 
But I figured now is as good of a time as any to begin updating our family and friends on our past year and what we have in store for our future!

The first big news that everyone knows by now but I must mention is that we are having a baby! 
Baby J at 13 weeks during our first u/s
Baby J is due March 17th, 2013 making me 18 weeks....19 tomorrow! Sometimes I am still in shock and honestly can't believe I am having a baby. I know my life is about to change big time. For those that know me well, they know I am not really a baby person. I never really have been. I LOVE kids and playing with them, but as far as babies go, I had just never really spent anytime around them. I grew up with a group of really close girlfriends who ALL babysat, but it was just not something I ever did. Nor did I ever have any younger siblings, plus if you know my parents, you know they aren't baby people either....But all that is about to change and wouldn't you know it, I am starting to become a baby person! I have been so lucky because two very close friends have had babies in the past 5 months and I am one proud Auntie! 

Alyssa Jayden Smith, healthy baby born in mid-June.

Jack Gladstone Barrett, born August 24th at 28 weeks!     
I am so happy and proud of my two friends, Junko and Hallie. These are some of the strongest women I know and have truly been an inspiration to me as I continue on with my own pregnancy and delivery.
Next Tuesday, the 23rd, we go for our anatomy ultrasound, where the ultrasound tech will hopefully be able to determine the gender of Baby J. Only Brandon is going to find out, and we are going to reveal the gender at a get together with family and friends that next Sunday. I am so excited! Stay tuned for a detailed post about that day! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you've picked up blogging Niki! Can't wait to follow you throughout your pregnancy. Enjoy every minute!
