Hello friends!
I can't believe I have a two month old! He is really closer to two and a half months which is just crazy! Life has been such a whirlwind, but a good kind of whirlwind! Brandon and I have really loved the whole parenting thing so far. We are both in love with our child. He is such a sweet baby.
He is starting to really show his personality more, which is so fun to witness. He is "talking" a lot which cracks us up. Sometimes he does this little scream/yelp sort of thing for no reason at all. Half the time I think it's so cute and the other half it scares me! Here are some 2 month shots my mom took of him lying on a receiving blanket my Aunt Susie made :)
The other day I snapped one of him smiling! And crying ;) I've never actually seen him cry a real tear before. It will probably freak me out when he does! When he got his two month vaccines, Brandon was holding him and we put a pacifier in his mouth. He sort of cried, but it only lasted about a minute and he seemed to forget about it after that, thank goodness!
I LOVE to see him smile. It's my favorite thing he does.
On to the stats!
*Weight: 12.28 lbs-51.12 percentile
*Length: 23.5 inches-71.95 percentile
*Head Circumference: 15.16 inches-30.21 percentile
His pediatrician, Dr. Eastham (who is amazing btw), said he seems to be growing well, and fast! He said his weight jumped quite a bit more then normal from one to two months which can probably explain why some days all I felt like he wanted to do was eat! (Wow, he's so much like his mama!)
*Eating: He is still eating every 2-4 hours during the day and I'm still exclusively breastfeeding. He has done well with a bottle which is great since I'll be going back to work in less then two weeks :(
*Sleeping: For about a week now he has only been waking up twice at night, YAY! We go to bed fairly early, and he sleeps a good 5-6 hours, then wakes up again 2-3 hours later. I know this will change as he begins to teeth, etc. but it has been nice finally getting a "full" nights sleep. (For anyone who knows me, you know sleep is something I do well and most of the time I require at least 8 hours a night to function well the next day, thus explaining some of my whacky behavior lately which can only be blamed on sleep deprivation :)
*Milestones: Smiling is a big one! Love it. Also he has been grasping his hands together at mid-line, tracking people and objects across the room, laughing out loud, raising his head 90 degrees while on his stomach, and grasping objects that are within reach.
So all in all, he is progressing well and Brandon and I are really enjoying life with our little peanut head. We have been able to get out and enjoy a couple of date nights as well, including our friend Charlotte's birthday party and the Avett Brother's concert, both in Nashville. We left him with my Mom for the birthday party and our friend Junko for the concert. He did great for both of them and although it was tough at first to leave him, we had SO much fun getting out together and enjoying ourselves :) Life is good!
Thanks for all the support and well wishes! Until the next post! ...................